Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eastman Chemical 401k (ESOP) Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2010

The Eastman Chemical 401k continues to be helped by company stock EMN and the Balanced portfolio this year has a 5yr APR of 5.26% with 4.4% of the portfolio invested in company stock. That stock is the largest holding at 12.6% of the employee portfolio. At the category level according to the SEC 11-k report the Plan asset allocation is as shown below and I do not think the Managed Income investment is participant directed.  

Managed Income 41.6% (FMIP)
Mutual Funds 44.7% (Mostly Fidelity Funds)
Company Stock 12.6% (EMN)
Self Directed Accounts 1.1% (PCRAs and cash)

All in all a pretty good 401k Plan with good domestic equity options and the always popular PTTRX bond fund. This scan is still using 12-31-2010 Market data. I should have 12-31-2011 data in a week or two.

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