Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Model Conservative ETF Portfolio PSDS Scan 9-30-2011

The Model Conservative ETF Portfolio in this scan was mentioned by Morningstar's Christine Benz in a talk to the AAII LA Chapter last Saturday. It was published in April of 2011 online at http://news.morningtstar.com in her paper "A Conservative ETF Portfolio for Retirees". It is similar to an earlier Morningstar model for an in-retirement mutual fund portfolio that was scanned 12-21-2010.

Several of the ETF funds in the portfolio do not yet have 5-year data so this scan is for a 3-year period using market data from Thomson Reuters. As the 3D scan image shows the Model portfolio and the Balanced portfolio are similar but with differences. In the scan cash is represented by the 3-Month Treasury Bill ETF, BIL, which has 3-year data. The use of ETF funds in retirement portfolios is timely, I have a few in a Roth IRA and there are advantages. Thanks Morningstar for supporting AAII and retirees with quality financial data services and people like Christine Benz and W. Scott Simon.

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