Friday, December 11, 2009

CONSOL Energy 401k (IP) Plan PSDS Scan 12/31/2008

This plan was helped by company stock and the Balanced portfolio has invested 5% of the plan in the stock. The employee portfolio invested 14.8% of their money in the stock which tripled the volatility of their portfolio, too much of a good thing. The plan has a large common stock trust investment with insurance wrappers that is GIC.ekx in the scan and AIZAX was represented by EFA which has 5yr data.
John thanks for the comment. The investment options are in the latest SEC 11-k report available online at their EDGAR website. The document can be hard to sort out for some plans. Also, they do not provide ticker symbols.

1 comment:

John said...

Hi, Very impressive work. Just wonder where you got those plans investment options (funds). Is there a place to look for them?

Also, are there a list of those funds so that people could see the laggards and avoid them.

Great info!
