Wednesday, October 14, 2009

J.C. Penney 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12/31/2008

Another "lifeboat" portfolio with the Balanced portfolio invested in the GIC and bonds. Company stock had terrible 2008 and 2007 returns with off the chart volatility and a 5yr APR = -3.95%. The employee portfolio as of 12/31/2008 had 12.1% of their investments in company stock. In the scan common collective trust funds were represented by the index ETF they track.
Thanks for the comment and kind words. The White Papers are the best place to get technical details about the methods I use, they are free and can be down loaded from this site. I use robust design methods from engineering i.e. Baysesian Monte Carlo simulations. The market data is from Thomson Reuters each month. At my age the great grandchildren take up my days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, I really like the posts you've put together analyzing 401k plans across an increasing number of companies. I am very interested in understanding more about how you do your analysis and what methods you use to get data. I currently lead the technical team at BrightScope ( so I feel that there may be significant overlap in our research interests.

I look forward to hearing back from you - feel free to email me!
David Allison
BrightScope, Inc.