Tuesday, June 28, 2011

PPL Corp. 401k (ESOP) Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2010

The PPL Corp. is classified by Morningstar as a diversified utility and pays a dividend that is currently over 5%. About the only thing I have in common with Warren Buffett is neither one of us can make sense of how utility companies keep their books. The PPL Corp. 401k (ESOP) plan design scan is bipolar with the employees investing 98.8% of their money in company stock PPL (all ESOP) while the Balanced portfolio invested nothing in the stock which has a negative 5yr Sharpe ratio (all 401k). The Balanced portfolio invested in 13 of the Plan's other investment options in the scan. Morningstar company stock PPL total return data was used in the scan. A good plan but company stock performance is confusing at least to me.

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