Thursday, April 30, 2015

City National Corp. 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

The City National 401k Plan is being reviewed by the Department of Labor. The PSDS Scan this year includes only the investment options that are 5% or more of Plan assets. The 5% portfolio performance the last  five years is very similar to the US Gov. TSP 401k portfolio's performance and that is a good thing in my opinion.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Air Methods Corp. 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

In the scan the stable value fund is represented by FSBAX.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Newmarket Corp. 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

This 401k Plan continues to be greatly helped by company stock NEU. The employee portfolio has 36% of their money in the stock and has a Sharpe ratio higher than the Balanced portfolio. That does not happen often.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Kroger Co. 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

One of the measures of solvency risk I use is the Levy distribution fat tails stress test from a PSDS scan. As shown here there is only 1 chance in a 1000 that this 401k portfolio would fail under extreme conditions which passes my solvency risk test.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

TRW Automotive 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

In this scan the Sharpe ratio for the stable value fund, FMIP, is set equal to 1.0 which avoids problems discussed in "Stable Value Funds: Performance to Date" by David Babble and Miguel Herce. That paper is the most detailed investigation of stable value funds remarkable market performance since their inception in 1973 and well worth a read.  The issue is "variance is an inadequate measure of either security or portfolio risk" and that can distort asset allocation in a PSDS scan. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

White Mountain 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

This scan only contains investment options that are 5% or more of plan assets. The stable value fund represented by WFSRF has a high Sharpe ratio that over weights that option in my opinion. That happens so often some mutual fund Plan trustees provide an alternative "Sharpe ratio" near the origin. Professor Sharpe assigns the value of the Sharpe ratio at the origin as 1 and that sounds good to me.