Friday, December 12, 2008

U.S.Government 401k (TSP) Scan 11/30/2008

The funds in the scan were the same as the earlier scan; Fund G, Fund F, Fund C, Fund S, and Fund I. The Balanced portfolio by rule has money in only funds with positive 5yr Sharpe ratios and here that means only Fund G and Fund F. The uniform portfolio has equal amounts in all five funds. The 3 equity funds track the S&P500 Index (Fund C), the Wilshire 4500 Index (Fund S) and the EAFE Stock Index (Fund I). As you can see in the 3D image the Balanced portfolio is basically Fund G with a small amount of Fund F. In December of 2007 the TSP plan added several Lifecycle funds designated L Income, L 2040, L 2030, L2020, L2010 and these will be in future scans.

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