Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stanton & Castleton IRA PSDS Scan 10/31/2008

The Stanton & Castleton IRA has been rebalanced to reflect market changes and a few new funds were added to reduce volatility. The funds in the scan were BTFTX, DODFX, FAIRX, FICDX, FLPSX, LSBDX, OAKBX, PRPFX, PRWCX, RYVFX, SGENX, TAVFX and FIDXX. The FIDXX fund is a proxy for a money market fund and OAKBX was added when it reopened and became available. The numbers have changed a lot since July and like everyone in the market that change was a reduction. The LSBDX bond fund is now yielding 11% at current market prices for the fund which is down almost 30%.

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