Tuesday, July 12, 2011

XTO Energy 401k Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2010

Last year XTO  Energy was acquired by Exxon Mobile and XTO stock converted to XMO stock at the date of the merger. In the design scan the Balanced portfolio invested 7.0% of the 401k Plan in XOM stock and the employee portfolio has 71.6% of the Plan in the stock. Prior to the merger XTO Energy owned many oil and gas leases and their 401k Plan has two Royalty Trust investment options CRT and HGT that trade on the NYSE. The Balanced portfolio is better diversified than last year but returns are down a little. A good plan with a very good company stock which helped the employee portfolio to an APR = 6.75% with a positive Sharpe ratio of 0.31. However, 71.6% in even a very good stock is too risky for a retirement fund in my opinion.

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