Wednesday, March 2, 2011

American Electric Power 401k (RSP) PSDS Scan 12-31-2010

The Balanced portfolio continues to be helped by company stock AEP but not as much as last year. The plan trustee is JP Morgan Chase and the current SEC 11-k report investment options are mostly Mellon Capital Management and JP Morgan SMA funds and a large domestic common stock trust. The scan this year is a bit different from previous years. In the scan the JP Morgan Strategic Property Fund is represented by EIIPX and the JPMCB Liquidty Fund by VMMXX a Vanguard money market fund. The employee portfolio asset allocation for assets > 5% of plan is shown in the 3D scan image. Interestingly the largest holding is the intermediate term bond fund PGBOX in the scan and not the stable value fund or company stock.

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