Tuesday, March 24, 2009

State of South Carolina 401k PSDS Scan 12/31/2008

The State of South Carolina 401k plan uses SSgA Target Retirement Funds which do not yet have five year data. The scan used the proxies RRTIX for CM3E, RRTAX for CM3F, RRTBX for CM3G, RRTCX for CM6X and RRTDX for CM6Y. Their 401k plan also has an unspecifed stable value fund repesented by the US Government 401k stable value fund, FUND G. All other 401k funds are in the scan using their Ticker symbols conveniently posted on the web by the plan. It would be great if FUND G were available in all 401k plans.
Re 3/21/2010 comments - There is a technote ELS 2010-1 that has T.Rowe Price TRRAX data and the State of South Carolina retirement system web site has pie charts for the SSgA target date retirement funds. Most funds with Ticker symbols have their holdings available at Yahoo finance and other financial sites.


PRUNER said...

How close to the SSgA funds are the Trowe price target date funds?

PRUNER said...

Any ideas how to find out SSga target date fund holdings? Ticker symbols will not come up.