The funds in the plan are proxies for the SMA fund catagories, Short-Term Fixed Income, Investment Grade Bond, Conservative, Moderate, Aggressive, Value Yield Equity, S&P 500 Index, Growth Equity, International Stock, Small Cap Stock, and Honeywell Stock. The symbols used are in the correlation chart. Fund F is a fund from the U.S. Governmet 401k (TSP) plan.
As of the 2006 SEC 11-K filing the Honeywell 401k (Savings and Ownership Plan Master Trust) was invested in company stock (2647M), Mutual Funds (265M), Common & Commingled Funds (3607M), seperately managed stocks portfolio (811M), short term investmens (135M) and Investment Contracts (1292M). The portfolio scan covers only the Mutual Funds in the Master Trust and Honeywell stock.