Monday, November 17, 2008

Textron 401k (TSP) PSDS Scan 10/31/2008

The Textron 401k (Textron Savings Plan) was heavily invested in Textron stock, TXT, which up until 2008 had been a good investment. Today it has a negative 5yr return. The funds in the scan were, VINIX, FDIVX, FEQIX, FBGRX, FSLCX, PTTRX, VSEQX, VIDMX, FFFDX, FFFCX, VWEHX, TXT. The Balanced portfolio by rule is only invested in funds with a positive 5yr Sharpe ratio, they were FDIVX, PTTRX and VIDMX.

1 comment:

457 plans said...

The Textron 401k (Textron Savings Plan) is in negative for next 5yrs, but still investors hope it will give a good returns in long term.