Friday, April 15, 2016

An ETF low Cost Portfolio PSDS Scan 12-31-2014

Fidelity ran an Ad in the WSJ and NYT featuring seven low cost Index Funds from Fidelity and the same funds from Vanguard.  This scan is for an ETF version of the funds that are remarkably well diversified.  The Fidelity funds were FUSEX, FSEMX, FSTMX, FSGUX, FSCLX, FRXIX and FPEMX.

The first Excel chart is missing a line in the X axis Chart. That same Chart with the X axis label corrected is below.

In the same Fidelity Ad there was also a low cost Vanguard Mutual Fund portfolio and I created a Vanguard ETF portfolio for it. Both Fidelity and Vanguard ETF portfolios are very similar. My compliments to the design team for a job well done.

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