Monday, May 23, 2011

World 20 ETF Sharpe Index 12-31-2010

The Sharpe Balanced portfolio has been used to create a monthly index that will be posted later this year. It is very similar to early World ETF versions but with a few changes to increase China options mostly. In this 5yr scan the difference between the Balanced Index and two other portfolios is evident. They are a Uniform portfolio and the current Market Cap portfolio. In rounded off numbers the three portfolios performance as of 12-31-2010 was,

Balanced    APR = 14%  STD = 8%  PSR = 1.5
Market Cap  APR = 12%  STD = 14%  PSR = 0.7
Uniform    APR = 8%  STD = 7%  PSR = 1.0

More later

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