Monday, January 3, 2011

Iowa 457 Hartford DC Plan PSDS Scan 12-31-2009

The State of Iowa has a large and interesting collection of 457 Deferred Compensation plans from six different investment houses. They each cover 9 investment catagories; Safety, Fixed Income, Balanced, Lg-Cap Stocks, Mid-Cap Stocks, Sm-Cap Stocks, Tot US Stock Index, Global/International, and Alternative. The Hartford DC Plus plan was selected for this scan. That plan has 33 options plus a Schwab PCRA not in the scan. The Balanced portfolio has above average 5yr returns APR = 7.46%, STD = 3.94% and PSR = 1.23 from investments in 20 of the plan investment options. The top 4 Balanced portfolio holdings are PTRAX, VBMVX, GSGOX and ODMAX. The SEC 11-k report did not have employee asset allocation data and the scan has a uniform allocation for comparison purposes.

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