Friday, December 10, 2010

Verizon Communications 401k PSDS Scan 12-31-2009

The trustee for the plan is Fidelity and I used Fidelity funds for the catagory funds in the 11-k report where possible. Company stock VZ does not have a positive 5yr Sharpe ratio although it does have a slightly positive 5yr APR = 1.93%. The employee portfolio invested 27.5% of money in company stock which did not help their 5yr return. The investment options in the scan are,

Company Stock VZ
Investment Contracts GIC.ekx
Mutual Funds
US Fixed Income FDLXX
US Small Cap FSLCX
International Equity FIGRX
Commingled Funds
US Equity SPY
Cash Equivalents SHY
International Equity EFA
US Small Cap IWM
US Fixed Income Fund FUNDF (US Gov 401k TSP Bond Fund)
Real Estate RWR
International Fixed Income TPINX
Common Stock
International Equity VGSTX
The plan assets are held in the Bell Atlantic Master Trust.

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